Thursday, January 3, 2019

Design 101 - Working with Patterned Paper with Crops Plus

Class: Design 101 - Working with Patterned Paper (NOT the ones pictured here)
Date: Saturday, January 19th
Time: 3:15-4:45pm 
Class Fee: $30.00 
Instructor: Carren, Crops Plus. To sign up please email Carren at

Have you ever looked at a new paper line and thought "Where do I start?" Do you buy only paper kits because you know that the papers already match and you don't have to think about it? Would you like to learn how to expand the use of your current stash AND shop smarter?

This class will teach you all that! We will go over basic design principles and learn:
1) Use patterned papers and designs within a collection so that your pages are pleasing to the eye. 
2) Learn how to mix and match papers from different collections so you don't have to buy whole kits when you only like a few papers. 
3) Discover how to use up those stray papers from old kits to make a new coordinating layout. This will open up a world of possibilities for you!

You will receive tons of paper so that you can continue to experiment and make cards and layouts. (NOT the ones pictured here)
1) 12x12 24 sheet patterned paper pack
2) 12 x 12 48 sheet pack of patterned basics that you can use on practically any layout
3) 12 x 12 100 sheet pack of solid cardstock 
4) 6x6 paper pad

That's $77 in product alone and NONE of it is by the same manufacturer. You can do this!

What you need to bring: 
-A pen to take notes on the handout.
-We are also going to our new skills to the test using stash that you ALREADY have. In order to accomplish this, each student should bring at least 5 pieces of patterned paper that they love. Ideally, not all from the same collection or manufacturer. 

Class size is limited to 10, so if you are interested, register now!

Note: This is the first of four classes on design principles that will be taught in 2019.
January - Design 101 - Working with Patterned Paper
April - Design 102 - Rule of Threes
September - Design 201 - Color Theory
November - Design 202 - Photography instruction from a professional photographer

Remember, you can take classes even if you cannot attend all the crops.

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