Saturday, January 1, 2011

Photography Skills Class

We all are photographers, yet sometimes we can forget that better pictures can lead to better pages. Are you interested in learning to take better photographs? Do you want to learn more about lighting, posing, and working with children to improve your photos? If you would like to learn more about using your digital SLR camera or even your point and shoot camera, come meet Abbie Rufener! A family and children's photographer in Arlington, VA, Abbie will share with you some of the basic rules she uses when shooting families, newborns and children and improving your photos over all! Check out Abbie's site at here.

Class time will run approximately one hour. Saturday 9-10am.
Cost: $15 Cash or Check made payable to Abbie Rufener.
Please email Abbie at to sign up

Bring your camera!

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